roasted turmeric cod

Roasted Turmeric Cod

Cod is good for your heart and low in calories!

roasted turmeric cod

This recipe is idiot-proof. This is perfect for me because, even though I’m a chef, I love to make easy recipes. I learned many moons ago that I am incapable of having a glass of wine while I’m cooking because, well, everything just goes wrong — I forget ingredients, I burn things, you name in and it will go wrong if I have wine while I’m cooking. But, this roasted turmeric cod recipe is easy enough that I can have my wine and cook fish too!

I’m making myself sound like a lush, but in truth I’m quite a lightweight. But you know how it is, when you really have a taste for something…

So, last week when I wanted fish AND I wanted wine, this was the answer. And, not only is it simple, but it’s deliciously awesome. And it’s got turmeric. And, it goes great with a little Sauvignon Blanc…

I roasted some little baby potatoes to go along with this cod and I had some leftover vegan Caesar salad dressing in the fridge so this shaped up to be an awesome meal!

I’m not a big fan of leftover fish, but if I’m being honest I have to say that three days later whenI found a piece of this cod in the back of the fridge, I was a little excited.  I was more than a tad hungry. OK, so maybe I was a bit hangry. I ate it. Cold. With a little tartar sauce. OMG. So good!

The leftover fish was so good that when I make this again, I’m making extra because I want to make fish sandwiches or tacos with the remaining leftover roasted turmeric cod pieces.

I’m on a big customized-recipe-creation kick right now (okay… always…), so let me customize a recipe for you that will work for whatever’s going on in your body now… I’m such a geek that I really do get excited about doing this. I’ve got a fish recipe with your name on it…  So CLICK HEREto be taken directly into my calendar to sign up for your free phone consultation.

If you love fish, you should also try my Perfect Baked Fish Fillets recipe.

roasted turmeric cod

Let me tell you about the awesome healing ingredients in this easy roasted turmeric cod recipe:

Fish is great to eat if you feel like you need more energy. It’s also helps with diarrhea and hemorrhoids. I used cod for this recipe, but any firm fleshed sturdy white fish would work great. Cod, like many fish varieties, is good for the cardiovascular system; it helps protect against heart attacks and strokes and helps regulate blood pressure.

Turmeric is actually a Chinese herb (Jiang Huang). It is great for reducing inflammation throughout the body. If you suffer from aches and pains in your joints, try turmeric. It can help relieve menstrual pain and some other abdominal pains but, if you are pregnant, ask your doctor before you eat too much turmeric.

Lemon peels contain calcium, potassium and vitamin C. Lemons are good for your stomach, they help detoxify your body, they balance your pH and they act as an antibacterial. If you have a sore throat or a cough, go for lemons to make things better. Lemons are great for quenching your thirst, and, in China, many years ago, hypertension was treated by drinking tea made from lemon peels. This recipe uses zested lemon peel and lemon juice.

roasted turmeric cod

If you make this Roasted Turmeric Cod recipe, please be sure to let me know in the comments below. I love hearing how you like a recipe, and I love to answer your questions! If you make it, be sure to take a photo and tag me and post it on Instagram.

Roasted Turmeric Cod
Recipe type: paleo, whole30
Cuisine: fish, seafood
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4-6
So simple. So delicious. So pretty. And, it makes for awesomely good leftovers!
  • 2 Tbs grass-fed butter or ghee, melted
  • juice and zest of one large lemon
  • ¼ cup flour of your choice (I have used tapioca flour, rice flour, and oat flour -- all worked well, but the tapioca flour didn't crisp up as much)
  • sea salt and black pepper, to taste
  • ¼ tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)
  • 1-1/2 lb cod fillets, cut into 4 to 6 pieces
  1. Preheat oven to 450°F.
  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  3. Combine melted butter or ghee with lemon juice in a shallow pie plate or bowl.
  4. In a separate pie plate or bowl, combine the flour and spices.
  5. Coat the fish in the lemon juice mixture, then roll it gently in the flour mixture, shaking off any excess.
  6. Place the coated fish on the baking tray.
  7. Roast in the oven for about 15 minutes (if the fish is thick, it may take a bit longer), or until it's cooked how you like it.
  8. Remove from oven and sprinkle on lemon zest and parsley.
  9. Enjoy!

roasted turmeric cod

5 replies
  1. Ashka
    Ashka says:

    I love codfish – love turmeric – but following the recipe the flour just became pasty – suggestions?
    btw – i served the fish on a bed of roasted cabbage with turmeric, salt & pepper which was nice.

    • Stacey Isaacs
      Stacey Isaacs says:

      Hmmm… what kind of flour did you use? Tapioca flour usually doesn’t crisp much, but rice flour etc shouldn’t be gummy. I’m sorry yours turned out this way. I have also made this recipe using paleo breadcrumbs and also with Ezekiel cereal as a coating — both crisp up well. If you want to try it again with flour, make sure your oven is totally preheated before you put the fish in, and try a more forgiving flour. Thanks for letting me know… now I will go back and retest it!


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