Salmon With Parsley Sauce

Salmon is so healing: it can actually help reduce some of your joint pain!

This is hands-down the best way to cook salmon! Yup, a bold statement I know, but it’s true. If you are making a great sauce to serve with your salmon, this is the way to cook it. It’s soooooo moist and flavorful! I mean, think about it, if you are covering your beautiful fish with sauce, who needs to sit there and crisp it up… I would go for the moist, easy preparation every time! This salmon with parsley sauce is easy, delicious, healthy, and impressive too!

Years ago I learned to cook salmon this way. Slow-roasting this fish at a really low temperature keeps it so tender, juicy, and fresh tasting. Sometimes I’ll rub it with turmeric before roasting it. Um…. yum! But for this deliciously fresh parsley sauce, all you need is a little …

Easy Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori spice contains turmeric and ginger… both so healing!

Sometimes, I get a really strong craving for Indian food. But, it’s not often that I can get anyone I’m with to agree with me. For some unfortunate reason, I’m surrounded by people who think they dislike Indian food. I maintain that they have some wrong ideas about what good Indian food tastes like, but instead of arguing, I make this simple tandoori chicken along with whatever more strongly spiced food I feel like eating, and it’s a win-win.

This easy tandoori chicken recipe really is just that. It’s so easy. And, it’s perfect for anyone who thinks they don’t like Indian food. It has only the slightest hint of traditional spices and everyone likes it. Yes, even those who swear they hate this kind of food. A big thanks to Michelle at Nom Nom Paleo for creating the original recipe!…

Turmeric Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are great for your heart, digestion, and skin!

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I absolutely love to go out for breakfast. I also love to cook breakfast. I love breakfast for dinner… and lunch. But, I’m human, and sometimes there’s just not enough time in the morning to have an elaborate breakfast. OK, most days there’s not enough time. Except Sundays. Sundays are made for HUGE breakfasts. Anyway, this turmeric chia pudding is the perfect solution to those I-have-no-time-for-a-good-breakfast days.

Chia seeds are like magic beans. You take the sand-like substance out of the bag, add liquid, and you get a velvety, rice-pudding-like creamy pudding. Magic.

I have made chia pudding in every flavor imaginable. And, I’ve also experimented with some flavors that most sane people wouldn’t want to imagine… This turmeric chia pudding was a great experiment! It has a slight Chai flavor. And …

Strawberry Cauliflower Smoothie

Are you having problems with memory loss? Try some cauliflower!

Cauliflower in a smoothie? Yes! You can stop rolling your eyes and scrunching up your nose. This is delicious. And creamy. And healthy. And easy. It’s true, and this strawberry cauliflower smoothie is now my new favorite. But, don’t just take my word for it — after I posted a video for this smoothie on Facebook, many people felt the same need I did (to make it NOW) and the result was unanimous — it’s awesome!

The idea for this recipe came from Laney at Life Is But A Dish. As soon as I saw her post, I knew I had to try cauliflower in a smoothie. I mean I had to… I went immediately to the store and bought a bag of frozen cauliflower. I don’t think I’ve ever bought frozen cauliflower. But I bought a big bag …

Simple Poached Salmon With Yogurt Sauce

This simple poached salmon with yogurt sauce will keep you healthy inside and out…

I don’t think I’ve poached salmon since I was in cooking school. I don’t really know why I don’t do it more often though, because this salmon is awesome. It’s perfect if you are serving a crowd and it’s an easy dish to make ahead and serve cold or at room temperature. This simple poached salmon with yogurt sauce really is just that: simple.

What’s better than a dish that is made for leftovers? The salmon that’s leftover here makes the best cold salmon salad. And it makes a terrific filling for omelets. Oh, and topping a salad with some big chunks of this moist salmon and then using the yogurt sauce as a dressing… well, just… yum!

I made this a few weeks ago when I was asked to bring a main course to a …

Buckwheat Sweet Potato Arugula Salad

Sweet potatoes are great for your digestive system!

In my mind, the best salads have 5 components: fresh greens, something chewy and substantial, something sweet, something tangy, and something unexpected. This Buckwheat Sweet Potato Arugula Salad has got ’em all!

When I lived in the suburbs for many years, I would go to the supermarket and stock up for the week. I was always a pretty good planner and I would have some idea of what I would need for the whole week and I would make a list and go buy those very things. That kind of planning was a necessity then. I mean, I had kids, a full-time stressful job, a long commute… it was the only way to get it done.

Oh, how things have changed. Now, I live in the very city I used to spend hours commuting to. I have a small kitchen, and, my …

Roasted Turmeric Cod

Cod is good for your heart and low in calories!

This recipe is idiot-proof. This is perfect for me because, even though I’m a chef, I love to make easy recipes. I learned many moons ago that I am incapable of having a glass of wine while I’m cooking because, well, everything just goes wrong — I forget ingredients, I burn things, you name in and it will go wrong if I have wine while I’m cooking. But, this roasted turmeric cod recipe is easy enough that I can have my wine and cook fish too!

I’m making myself sound like a lush, but in truth I’m quite a lightweight. But you know how it is, when you really have a taste for something…

So, last week when I wanted fish AND I wanted wine, this was the answer. And, not only is it simple, but it’s deliciously awesome. And …

Cauliflower Chickpea Soup

Chickpeas can soothe irritability and boost your mood!

This is one of my most-requested soup recipes (especially from my daughter — it’s her favorite). I first published this cauliflower chickpea soup recipe many years ago when I first started blogging. In fact, this soup is one of the reasons I started blogging — so many people wanted this recipe, that I figured I would post it on-line… and the rest is history.

Now, years later, my daughter came to visit this week and it still put a big smile on her face when she called me on her way here and said she was hungry and I was able to tell her that this soup was waiting for her. You just gotta love a kid who can be made happy by the little things in life…   It makes me especially happy that she loves food and I love to cook!…

Broccoli Pizza Crust

Did you know that  eating broccoli can make you feel less irritable…?

Pizza can be a girl’s best friend. Yes, I said it. And I meant it. And no, you won’t be the first non-believer. If I had a nickel for every person who thinks I can’t make my favorite comfort foods both delicious and healthy, I’d be rich. It’s true that I try not to eat grains, and I don’t eat cheese. But, it is also awesome-ly true that I make the best healthy pizza around. So, for all of my friends out there who are working with me to get your-over-40-amazing-selves energized and healthy… this broccoli pizza crust recipe is for you.

There’s nothing sexier than a woman eating pizza. Except maybe if she’s slurping up a big bowl of spaghetti…

I mean, who doesn’t love a woman who can eat?

Eating a salad just doesn’t have the …

Blood Orange Salmon With Turnip Noodles

Change up your usual salmon dinner and try this blood orange salmon with turnip noodles…

I think I’m pretty intuitive. So, the other day when I “felt” that people were craving a more substantial dinner than I’ve been providing lately, I just went with it. Haha… the looks I was getting from my non-vegan crew because I’m in a vegan phase, really could have been read my anyone — no special intuition necessary! I felt the love when I served this blood orange salmon with turnip noodles.

I always honor dinner requests. Well, almost always — but if I can, I do. It’s fun for me to create and cook dishes to satisfy whatever anyone is craving at that particular time. Lately, I’ve been on a vegan kick. Unfortunately for me, not everyone else who I’ve been feeding shares that same love of vegan food… So, when the request was …