The Healing Power Of Olive Oil

If you want to be as healthy as possible on the inside, and you also want to look as youthful as you can on the outside, then you need to read about the healing power of olive oil!

Simply put, olive oil is healthy. In fact, one of the kindest things you can do for yourself and your loved ones, is to use a good quality olive oil on everything you eat.

I want you to cook your food with olive oil. And make salad dressings and pestos with olive oil. And then, when you arrange your food on your plate, I want you to put a generous drizzle of olive oil on top of your food before you eat it.

And, no, I’m not exaggerating. I really want you to up your intake of good quality olive oil.

I spend a lot of time researching ingredients, testing new products, …

10 Everyday Foods That Will Keep You Healthy

There are many natural ways to stay healthy when everyone else is sick. When you boost your immune system with these 10 everyday foods that will keep you healthy, you’ll be able to get through cold and flu season without a scratch…

If you open your medicine cabinet now, how many cold and flu products are in there? How much of your bathroom storage is taken up with pills, capsules, and liquids all claiming to help you when you get sick?

If the answer is “more than I would like”, then you’ve come to the right place.

Food is medicine. And as a New York City wellness consultant, one of the best things I can do for my clients is to provide alternatives to chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and synthetic cold and flu products.

Many people are unaware that instead of visiting your local pharmacy, you can get everything you need at …

10 Simple Recipes To Boost Your Immune System

Make a plan to eat immune-boosting foods this season, and you will be able to stay healthy even when everyone else is sick. These 10 Simple Recipes To Boost Your Immune System are your best tools for health!

One of the most empowering things you can do for yourself is to learn how to use food as medicine. By adding the right foods into your diet, you can boost your immune system enough to keep yourself healthy even when everyone around you is sick.

This is so important.

Really. Think about it. It’s cold and flu season and you feel great. You feel well enough to take care of your loved ones. You are strong enough not to have to worry about all of the sneezing and coughing going on around you.

You can get on a plane without worrying about all of the germs.

And it’s all because you …

5 Reasons You Need To Add Bone Broth To Your Diet

Bone broth will keep you healthy. Whether you decide to make your own homemade bone broth, or you would rather buy one of the amazing pre-made products on the market, the idea is the same — it will keep your brain and your body healthy! Here are 5 reasons you need to add bone broth to your diet now.

Sometimes life is complicated. And sometimes it’s easy. I’m a firm believer in food and nutrition being one of the easier parts of your life. But, when there are so many varied opinions on what is good for your health, it can be really hard to know what to do.

That’s why when I find a way to keep you healthy that’s easy, I get really excited to tell you about it. Adding bone broth to your daily routine is a no-brainer. EVERYONE agrees that bone broth is a must! This …

Healthy No Cook Breakfasts

Everyone needs to know how to prepare some healthy no cook breakfasts for busy mornings. I’ve got some great ones below — for everyone in your family!

It seems as if we’re all running around at full speed. All the time. When you are spinning like a top in the morning, it can be really hard to find time for breakfast for yourself, your partner, your kids… for anyone.

My goal here is to give you some awesome healthy breakfast ideas that are so easy, you’ll have no excuse not to eat them.

Healthy no cook breakfasts are a real thing. They are an awesome thing. They are really necessary in my house. Sometimes I think my kids would have starved without some of these…

Just because your breakfast is simple and doesn’t require any cooking, it doesn’t mean that this is a “throw away” meal. Food is medicine and …

10 Foods (With Recipes) To Keep You Young Inside And Out

If you eat the right foods, you will look and feel younger.  It’s easier than you think it is. Here are 10 foods to keep you young inside and out.

When you are healthy, it shows on your face. It shows in the way you move. It shows in your energy level. When you are healthy inside, you look younger outside. These are facts. Yes, food is medicine. It’s not just a cliche, it’s a life changing principle.

The topics of Healthy Living, Healthy Eating, and Healthy Recipes pop into your newsfeeds everyday. And there is so much information that it’s difficult to sift through it all to figure out what’s right for you.

What do YOU need to eat to make your skin glow?

What do YOU need to eat to have more energy during the day?

What do YOU need to eat to look and feel younger?

What …

5 Simple Foods To Grab On The Upper East Side That Will Help You Look And Feel Younger

You don’t have to eat unhealthy food when you are in a rush. Here are 5 simple foods to grab on the Upper East Side that will help you look and feel younger.

This is my neighborhood. If you live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, drop me a comment at the bottom of this post… let’s chat about food options…

I’m not here to talk about healthy restaurants in our neighborhood. There are many of them — but that’s a different post. And, I’m really looking forward to writing it, but I will need some food buddies to join me in a few tastings, so drop me a comment below if you want to join me at a healthy food eatery.

So, if not restaurants, what am I talking about?

I’m talking about healthy food that’s easy to grab when you are out and about and rushing around …

12 Homemade Healing Infused Waters

The next time you have a free minute or two, fill a pitcher with water, add just a few healing ingredients, and store the pitcher in your fridge. These 12 homemade healing infused waters will keep you effortlessly healthy.

We all know that it’s important to drink enough water on a daily basis. But what we know and what we do are often two different things. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t get in enough water.

I really push all of my clients to drink a huge glass — I use a quart-size mason jar — of lemon water every morning. This is a great way to start your day for many reasons. And, most people have no problem doing this. One of the reasons that this is doable is because before I insist you do this, I educate you on why this is so good …

Top 5 Herbs To Boost Your Immune System

As the seasons change, we have a tendency to get sick. But, there are things you can do to stop this from happening. Here are the top 5  herbs to boost your immune system…  and they are so easy to add to your routine now!

In order to stay healthy all year round, you need to give your body the tools it needs to protect you. Think of it as a kind of armor. When you provide your body with the right protective gear, your immune system wages a war against germs, bacteria, and viruses.

And, now that fall has just begun, it’s the perfect time of the year to kick up your immune system. As a matter of fact, if you let your body get weak now, there’s a good chance you will get sick over the winter and even into the spring. Keeping your immune system strong in …

10 Best Paleo Snacks

Just because you are eating a healthy Paleo diet, doesn’t mean you can’t have delicious snacks. Actually, it’s even more important to have healing snacks when you are on a healthy eating journey! Here’s my list of the 10 best paleo snacks.


1. Beet Hummus 

I follow a Paleo diet, but I do eat chickpeas. There’s a big debate over whether chickpeas are truly Paleo. If you stay away from beans and legumes, then this may not be for you. But, let me tell you, this will heal you and make you happy. This creamy delicious spread literally takes 5 minutes to make. Make a batch, pack it into small containers, and keep them in your fridge. Grab one when you want a little snack at home or take one to the office. The beets will give you energy and are great for your blood and  circulation, and the …