
Mushroom Superfood Iced Chocolate

Nobody will know there’s mushrooms or superfoods in this mushroom superfood iced chocolate… it’s that good!

mushroom superfood iced chocolate

I defy anyone who drinks this deliciously creamy iced chocolate to be able to identify anything mushroom-like in here. I say that, not because mushrooms taste bad, but because in my experience, it’s sometimes hard to get people to excitedly chow down on something they are not familiar with — especially if it’s really good for them. And I don’t know too many people who would get excited if they thought they were about to drink mushroom superfood iced chocolate.

Now that the weather is warming up, it’s time to stock your fridge with some great cold foods and drinks. All summer long, I love to keep a huge pitcher of fresh gazpacho on the top shelf of my fridge. I also usually have a pitcher of herb infused water in there. And, now I also will make sure I have a few jars of some kind of superfood chocolatey drink ready to go.

Just as an aside, if you were to look in my fridge right now, you’d see tons of oranges (from a recipe experiment that I really miscalculated, tons of fresh herbs, and tons of cauliflower. As I’m typing this post, I’m already trying to figure out what to make with these ingredients… and I’m seeing some type of a creamsicle kind of creamy drink to sit aside my other pitchers and jars… hopefully this will be successful and I’ll post about it soon… wish me luck.

Let me tell you up-front, that everyone I gave a glass of this mushroom superfood iced chocolate to, loved it. And came back for seconds. It’s so chocolatey and so creamy, and so perfectly sweetened and decadent tasting… it’s really amazing!

Can you tell that I’m a bit proud of this recipe?

I got the inspiration for this recipe from Solla Eiriksdottir, an amazing Icelandic vegetarian chef. I was so inspired by her use of mushrooms in a drink like this that I just had to come up with one too.

When you make this recipe, make a lot of it and store it in mason jars in your fridge. Whenever you want a great afternoon pick-me-up, just pour some over ice, sit in a comfy chair, close your eyes, and just sit in appreciation of the healing powers and deliciousness of what you have created.

For another cold chocolate treat, try my recipe for Chocolate Banana Dairy-Free Fudgesicles.

mushroom superfood iced chocolate

mushroom superfood iced chocolate

Raw cacao is a superfood. It is packed with magnesium, iron, zinc and other minerals. Not only is it packed with health benefits, but it actually has properties that help the body absorb nutrients better and it’s filled with antioxidants. Cacao can actually be translated as “food of the gods”… Raw cacao can help lower blood pressure, promote healthy heart function, improve digestion, and may even help increase the libido.

In Eastern medicine, we use coconut to strengthen the body, reduce swelling, and stop bleeding. Coconut kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It’s good for all types of infections and viruses in the body, including the flu, bronchitis, tapeworms, urinary tract infections, and herpes. And perhaps most importantly, it helps you keep your mind sharp and it makes it easier for you to focus. This recipe used both coconut cream and coconut sugar.

In Asian medicinenuts are known to be good for your brain, heart, skin and reproductive system. Almonds are particularly nutritious. They are a good source of protein and they give you energy. And, they are gluten-free. Almonds will help relieve a cough and asthma and are also good for constipation. Even if you are not on a dairy-free diet, almond milk is the way to go. This recipe uses almond milk.

Chaga mushrooms are a longevity superfood. I use a chaga mushroom extract powder that makes it easy to add this immune-system-boosting mushroom my drinks and recipes. There’s a lot of research being done on the power of chaga right now and it’s possible ability to help fight cancer. It’s also good for your intestinal system and it can help calm your nerves. (See the recipe below for where to buy this amazing ingredient.)

Lucuma powder is made from a South American tropical fruit. It’s sweet and contains a good amount of calcium, magnesium and potassium. It also has a great anti-inflammatory effect and can improve the condition of your skin. If you don’t have access to lucuma, you can use additional coconut sugar or add any sweetener that makes you happy.

mushroom superfood iced chocolate

Mushroom Superfood Iced Chocolate
Recipe type: beverage, iced beverage, drink
Cuisine: superfoods, vegan, vegetarian, paleo
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 2
This is the most incredible tasting iced chocolate drink... it will heal you, but all you taste is creamy, decadent, perfectly sweetened chocolate!
  • 1 packet chaga mushroom elixir
  • ½ cup unsweetened, plain almond milk
  • 2 Tbs raw cacao powder
  • 1 Tbs coconut cream
  • 2 tsp lucuma powder
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 Tbs coconut sugar
  1. Pour one packet of the chaga elixir powder into 12 oz of hot water and stir to dissolve.
  2. Put that hot liquid in a blender with the rest of the ingredients and whiz it up until creamy.
  3. Pour over ice.
  4. Sip and enjoy!

 mushroom superfood iced chocolate

Healthy Homemade Ketchup

I’m a condiment freak — I like to dip everything. So, this healthy homemade ketchup is a must in my house!

It’s true. We are a condiments-all-the-time household. We can find a reason to dip everything in something. A few years ago it started to bother me that so much of our fridge was filled with jars and bottles that had ingredients that I would normally never use when I cooked . So, I started making my own. OMG — we are so much better off. This ketchup is especially delicious, and it doesn’t have all of the sugar that commercial ketchup has. And yes, I too used to be a Heinz lover… but now we really do all love this healthy homemade ketchup. Try it… you’ll love it too.

One day, when Steve was slathering his food with ketchup, as was his usual M.O., I had that light-bulb-over-head moment and I began creating homemade healthy condiments. Now, let me tell you, he used to really piss me off. I mean, how do you not even taste your food before you drown it in ketchup? I once heard a story about a hiring partner in a huge corporate firm who would take his interview candidates out to lunch and observe them. If they salted their food before tasting it, they wouldn’t be hired because he thought there was not enough thought and consideration in this gesture. Same goes for ketchup.

The creation of this recipe required a lot of trial and error. We ate a lot of ketchup that wasn’t… ummmm… wasn’t… worthy of the name ketchup. I tried all kinds of ingredients to get the right balance of sweet and tangy. For us, this recipe is the perfect balance. It’s the right consistency, and it tastes awesome.

You’ll notice that this recipe contains prunes. I know that sounds weird, but they really give this ketchup just the right taste. So, you’ll need to use a high-speed blender if you want your ketchup to be really smooth.

Another thing I used to buy but now I like to make homemade is Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese.

healthy homemade ketchup

healthy homemade ketchup

Hear are some of the great healing ingredients in this healthy homemade ketchup recipe:

In Chinese medicine, we use prunes to reduce stomach acidity and to help smooth the digestion. The claim to fame of the prune is that it helps fight against constipation. This is true, and when you clear your intestines, you are also taking a great step toward preventing colon cancer. These dried plums also are great for your vision and they have enough potassium to make them an official heart-healthy food.

In Chinese medicine, we use tomatoes to aid in digestion and to help detoxify the body. They are also good to combat excess cholesterol, lessen inflammation and curb asthma. Tomatoes can also quench thirst, and they can help fight some kidney infections.

Raw apple cider vinegar is one of the most amazing ingredients available today. My husband and I really do take a big spoon of it every day along with our other supplements. It helps you maintain a healthy alkaline level in your body, detoxifies the liver, and is good for your heart. This vinegar helps intestinal function, much the way probiotics do. It also acts as an antacid and can help break down mucous in the body.

healthy homemade ketchup

Healthy Homemade Ketchup
Recipe type: condiment
Cuisine: paleo, vegan, vegetarian
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: ½ cup
Look at all of the jars in bottles in your fridge. They contain so much sugar! If you are a ketchup lover, you've got to make this recipe for healthy homemade ketchup and store it in your fridge.
  • 6 pitted prunes
  • 7 oz tomato paste
  • 2 Tbs raw apple cider vinegar
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • ¾ tsp garlic powder
  • ¾ tsp dried minced onion flakes
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • black pepper, to taste
  • water, as needed
  1. Put all of the ingredients, and 5 Tbs water into a high-speed blender.
  2. Whiz it up. Add more water if necessary to get this ketchup to the desired consistency.
  3. Store in an air-tight jar in the fridge.
  4. Enjoy on everything!

healthy homemade ketchup

Pumpkin Turmeric Latte

pumpkin turmeric latte

I have never been a “winter” person. I just hate the cold. But, over the years as I have learned to practice gratitude on a daily basis, I have found many things I love about winter. Don’t get me wrong — I still prefer a beach to a snowy mountain, but there are so many reasons to truly be happy about winter. And one of those things is a steaming cuppa… And this cuppa pumpkin turmeric latte is really something to make you smile, no matter how frigid the temp outside may be. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr….

Other than steaming favorful lattes, some of the things I now truly feel grateful for about winter are:

* Watching huge snowflakes fall from the sky (okay, so a lot of the time, I’m inside watching them, but still grateful)
* Christmas music (all the way from Thanksgiving to New Years)
* Fuzzy boots
* Big cozy sweaters
* Delicious bowls of hot steaming soup
* The smell of chestnuts roasting in the street vendors’ carts (yup, it’s just like the song says)
* My dogs’ total happiness in the snow
* Christmas movies

During the winter, I experiment with latte recipes all of the time. I mean, it’s like I’ve become possessed or something. And, I have never steamed my milk! I heat up my ingredients in a pot and these blitz it in the blender and pour it into my favorite mug. And ta-da we have an awesome latte.

Turmeric lattes are all the rage right now. There’s a little cafe around the corner from me that has them on the menu. But… blechhhhhh… they are gross. And I have no idea why. I mean, if you are putting in the right ingredients, it’s not hard to make it come out right. Anyway, these are the right ingredients, so go ahead whip this up!

And, after you drink this awesome pumpkin turmeric latte, if you want to try another warming winter recipe, try my Hot Chocolate Smoothie Bowl!

pumpkin turmeric latte

Here are some of the healing ingredients in this pumpkin turmeric latte:

Pumpkin can help reduce pain and fever and can soothe stomach irritations. It’s a great food to treat constipation, allergies and asthma. It’s high in vitamin A and can help protect your lungs and intestines from cancer.

Turmeric is actually a Chinese herb (Jiang Huang). It is great for reducing inflammation throughout the body. If you suffer from aches and pains in your joints, try turmeric. It can help relieve menstrual pain and some other abdominal pains but, if you are pregnant, ask your doctor before you eat too much turmeric.

Black pepper is also a Chinese herb (Hu Jiao). It’s used to control vomiting and diarrhea and is good for some stomach pains. This common herb also can help the body more easily absorb nutrients, and it is sometimes prescribed to lessen the symptoms of respiratory ailments. Be sure to use black pepper whenever you use turmeric, because it increases the body’s ability to absorb the turmeric.

Collagen strengthens bones and muscles, keeps your joints healthy, improves flexibility and concentration, and helps heal your digestive system. It also keeps you looking youthful.

Dates are rich in potassium, dietary fiber and tannins. Fiber is good for your gut and tannins help the body fight inflammation and infection. Dates are also rich in vitamin A and iron. The most amazing thing about dates is that they can be used to replace sugar in almost anything. I stopped using sweetened protein powders in my smoothies and now I use unsweetened ones but I add a few dates.

Cinnamon is one of the best herbs to warm the body. It’s great if you have a cold. If you are nauseous or have diarrhea, go for the cinnamon. It also gives you energy and helps with menstrual pain. Cinnamon is a Chinese herb: “gui zhi” is the cinnamon twig and “rou gui” is the cinnamon bark. Both are warming and are used for a variety of ailments. In the winter I add cinnamon to all sorts of foods. It helps with the common cold, swelling, various menstrual issues and some aches and pains. Be careful with it if you have a fever because it is so warming.

In Asian medicine, we use coconut to strengthen the body, reduce swelling, and stop bleeding. Coconut kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It’s good for all types of infections and viruses in the body, including the flu, bronchitis, tapeworms, urinary tract infections, and herpes. And perhaps most importantly, it helps you keep your mind sharp and it makes it easier for you to focus. I like to use full-fat canned coconut milk for these lattes.

pumpkin turmeric latte

Pumpkin Turmeric Latte
Recipe type: beverage, latte, hot drink
Cuisine: paleo, whole30, breakfast, snack, dairy-free
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 3
This is the perfect cup of steaming deliciousness. It's so healing and no steamed milk is required. I make mine with dairy-free milk.
  1. Heat the coconut milk and the water in a small pot.
  2. Pour the hot milk into your blender and add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Whiz it up good.
  4. Enjoy!

pumpkin turmeric latte

Bulletproof Coffee Sweetened With Dates

Bulletproof coffee sweetened with dates may be just the thing you need to start your day…

bulletproof coffee sweetened with dates

Full disclosure: I am not a coffee drinker. Well, I am not a caffeinated coffee drinker. When I was in college (a lifetime ago), I remember drinking 6 cups of coffee a day. But since I discovered that caffeine is something I don’t tolerate well (or, really, at all…), I stopped cold turkey. But I’ve always loved the taste and the smell of coffee so when I want a treat, I’ll grab a good cup of decaf.

A few years ago, when I first learned about Bulletproof Coffee from the amazingly knowledgeable Dave Asprey, all I wanted to do was try it. I started making it for Steve and for others who could actually tolerate caffeine and I found people were really reaping some great benefits.

I kept hearing about increases in energy, appetite suppression, amazing focus and clarity, and I was so envious!

So, I went on a mission to figure out if I would be able to gain some of those benefits if I made my bulletproof coffee with decaf. And, I recently found out that I can! Yay! I’ve been using Dave’s Brain Octane (see recipe below for where you can buy it) and grass-fed butter and organic decaf coffee beans. And, oh my… it’s really just awesome. It keeps me energized, focused, and feeling great until I’m ready to have a healthy lunch many hours later.

In my version of this coffee, I’ve added a few dates to the blender and let me just say, the flavor is amazing!

You probably already know that I am a smoothie fiend on most mornings, but variety is the spice of life…

I recommend jumping on the bulletproof coffee bandwagon!

For those days when you want a kickstart to your day without the coffee, try my recipe for Matcha Chia Pudding.

bulletproof coffee sweetened with dates

Here are a few great healing facts about this bulletproof coffee sweetened with dates recipe:

Coffee is a diuretic and is good for constipation. It’s also good for memory and focus.

Coconut oil is awesome. In Asian medicine, we use coconut to strengthen the body, reduce swelling, and stop bleeding. Coconut kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It’s good for all types of infections and viruses in the body, including the flu, bronchitis, tapeworms, urinary tract infections, and herpes. And perhaps most importantly, it helps you keep your mind sharp and it makes it easier for you to focus. Dave Asprey’s Brain Octane is pure, concentrated form of coconut oil. I have used regular organic coconut oil and I’ve used Brain Octane. I like both, but I’ve been giving Dave’s oil a try lately. According to Dave, Brain Octane helps your body burn fat more easily and is better for your brain. So, far, so good for me!

Grass-fed butter is good for you! Butter from grass-fed cows is higher in Omega-3s and vitamin K2, than butter from grain-fed cows. Grass-fed butter contains the fatty acid CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) — this has actually been shown to help with weight loss. I know many people are worried about cholesterol, but there is a lot of research now to show there is no link between cholesterol and heart disease. I’m a butter lover, in moderation, but I only eat grass-fed butter!

Dates are rich in potassium, dietary fiber and tannins. Fiber is good for your gut and tannins help the body fight inflammation and infection. Dates are also rich in vitamin A and iron. The most amazing thing about dates is that they can be used to replace sugar in almost anything. I stopped using sweetened protein powders in my smoothies and now I use unsweetened ones but I add a few dates.

bulletproof coffee sweetened with dates

Bulletproof Coffee (Sweetened With Dates)
Recipe type: beverage, coffee
Cuisine: breakfast
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 2
I've officially jumped on the bulletproof coffee bandwagon! This is bulletproof coffee my way -- blended with dates. It's delicious and healing!
  • 2 cups freshly brewed coffee (regular or decaf)
  • 2-tsp to 2-Tbs (start small and increase) organic coconut oil or Brain Octane (here's where to get Brain Octane)
  • 2-tsp to 2-Tbs grass-fed butter or ghee (again, start small and increase)
  • 2 dates
  1. Pour all ingredients into blender.
  2. Blend until frothy and smooth.
  3. Drink in the morning and enjoy!

bulletproof coffee sweetened with dates

Sweet Potato Bacon Waffles

Sweet potato bacon waffles. Enough said. Yum!

sweet potato bacon waffles

Waffles are awesome. Waffle irons are amazing. You can make waffles out of almost anything. Really. It seems to be all the rage now… everywhere I turn I see people putting such creative mixtures into their waffle irons and making these really delicious looking creations. So, I just had to jump on the bandwagon… it looked like so much fun!

So, when I first saw this recipe on one of my favorite blogs, I just had to try to do it justice. Jennifer at Predominantly Paleo, gets all the credit for this awesome recipe.  I absolutely love it… it’s easy, delicious, paleo, and so healthy! Go visit Jennifer at her site because I’m sure you will love it as much as I do!

My waffle iron did not disappoint… these sweet potato bacon waffles are incredible! First, let me say, however, that just because you cook something in a waffle iron, it does not mean you end up with something that tastes or feels like a waffle. This recipe is amazingly delicious and healthy, but these “waffles” are only called waffles because they are made in a waffle iron… wow, that’s a lot of waffles in one sentence…

I made these waffles and we ate them for several days in a variety of interesting ways. The first day, I served them with eggs on top: awesome. The second day, I melted vegan cheese on top: my favorite. The third day, I put one on a plate with a little shredded rotisserie chicken salad next to it: incredible.

I could easily see that cooking things in my waffle iron may become a bit of an obsession for me…

These waffles, in particular, will become a staple in my house for a few reasons: they are truly delicious and also because sweet potatoes are so good for digestion, that finding new ways to cook them sounds so smart to me.

I’m on a big customized-recipe-creation kick right now (okay… always…), so let me customize a recipe for you that will work for whatever’s going on in your body now… I’m such a geek that I really do get excited about doing this. I’ve got a breakfast recipe with your name on it…  So CLICK HEREto be taken directly into my calendar to sign up for your free phone consultation.

And, if you are looking for another great sweet potato recipe, try my recipe for Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.

sweet potato bacon waffles

sweet potato bacon waffles

Here are some great healthy reasons to make these waffles:

Sweet potatoes are good for your digestive system. They can be good for both constipation and diarrhea. These orange gems also help rid your body of excess water, are good for breast health, help people with diabetes and actually can help ease night blindness. In olden times, it was common in China to rub mashed sweet potatoes on poison insect bites to remove the toxins. I haven’t tried this, but if you see me looking a tad orange, this will be why…

Scallions, as I tell you often, are one of my favorites. In Chinese medicine, the root of the scallion is a healing herb (Cong Bai). I always keep scallions on hand in my refrigerator so that I can whip up a batch of cold and flu fighting tea (scallion roots and ginger) the second anyone feels that scratchy throat coming on. It helps the body sweat out toxins. Scallions are antiviral and antibacterial; they are good for the common cold and general nasal congestion — just don’t eat too many if you have a fever.

I am a big proponent of eating the whole egg. So many of the nutrients and the taste are in the yolk; I’ll never understand separating nature’s perfect food. Eggs help with many types of dryness in the body. If you have a dry cough or a frog-in-your-throat, try eating some eggs. They have also been shown to help women with various conditions during and after pregnancy. Some people consider eggs to be a superfood. They contain a large amount of vitamins A and B and are a great source of protein. Eggs sometimes get a bad rap because of cholesterol, but it’s been shown that in 70% of people, eggs do not raise cholesterol, so don’t assume they are bad for you. Buy organic eggs and you are really doing the right thing.

sweet potato bacon waffles

If you make this Sweet Potato Bacon Waffles recipe, please be sure to let me know in the comments below. I love hearing how you like a recipe, and I love to answer your questions! If you make it, be sure to take a photo and tag me and post it on Instagram.

Sweet Potato Bacon Waffles
5.0 from 2 reviews
Recipe type: waffles
Cuisine: recipe adapted from: Predominantly Paleo
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
This is like a great sweet potato hash in waffle form. These waffles are so versatile that you can do so many things with them... and they may evenl fix your digestive issues...
  • 12 oz nitrate-free bacon
  • 1 lb spiralized sweet potatoes (I bought mine pre-spiralized, but you can make your own)
  • 3 eggs
  • sea salt and black pepper
  • 2 scallions, sliced
  1. Cook your bacon (I like to do this in the oven, but cook it however you like), bacon grease reserved.
  2. Heat your waffle iron, and brush it with the reserved bacon grease. I used my Belgian waffle iron, but use whatever kind you have.
  3. Combine the sweet potato spirals, cooked crumbled bacon, eggs, sea salt and black pepper to taste, and scallions in a large bowl.
  4. Pour this mixture into the hot waffle iron and cook until browned and slightly crispy.
  5. Note: these will not end up with the texture of ordinary waffles -- remove them gently from the iron with tongs and a spatula and lay them on the plates. Use these waffles as a vehicle for anything from eggs, to salad, to melted cheese (my personal favorite). I used a Belgian waffle maker and got 4 waffles from this recipe; if you use a waffle iron that makes thin waffles, you will get more.)

sweet potato bacon waffles

Paleo Vegetable Kugel

This paleo vegetable kugel is light and healthy!

paleo vegetable kugel

One of the first things my mother-in-law asked me to cook was a kugel for Passover. She wanted a real kugel, as she put it, not one of my healthy recipes. So, she gave me a recipe and asked me to follow it. I think that kugel had two sticks of butter in it and a bucket of matzo meal!

This year, I won’t be home for Passover.  A few months ago I had to postpone a trip because I had the flu and the only time my sister and I could reschedule for was Passover week.  So, I had to decide between the traditional family seder or a trip to Anguilla with my sister to celebrate our big birthdays… I picked the trip… so don’t judge me… I will, however, miss this paleo vegetable kugel!

Here is my healthy answer to kugel. It’s delicious and it’s made with tons of fresh veggies and a little bit of oil and tapioca flour. Steve and I ate it for dinner last week as I was testing out the recipe. It’s a kugel (even if not as traditional as my mother-in-law would like) but it’s healthy and it’s good enough to serve any time of year.

And the leftovers are awesome for breakfast. A few sunny-side-up eggs served on top of a plate of this kugel… oh my, it’s like an awesome breakfast hash…

If you are looking for a great Paleo dessert to serve, try my Paleo Lemon Cake recipe.

paleo vegetable kugel
paleo vegetable kugel

This is the healthiest kugel in the world:

Leeks are known as “grass from the sun”. They are especially beneficial when the whether is still warm but starting to turn cold, or still cold and starting to turn warm (Spring and Fall). They are great for the liver and at helping the body relieve itself of toxins. Leeks are also good at helping constipation; they help the body rid itself of toxins in the digestive tract.

Potatoes are good at soothing ulcers and neutralizing acid in the stomach and they help relieve constipation. These tubers also can help relieve arthritic inflammation. So, even though sweet potatoes are thought of as the white potato’s more nutrition sister, regular old potatoes can be just what the doctor ordered.

Sweet potatoes are good for your digestive system. They can be good for both constipation and diarrhea. These orange gems also help rid your body of excess water, are good for breast health, help people with diabetes and actually can help ease night blindness. In olden times, it was common in China to rub mashed sweet potatoes on poison insect bites to remove the toxins. I still haven’t tried this, but if need be, I will!

Zucchini cools your body off and makes you feel better during those hot days of summer. It helps your body release excess heat and it will make your mind feel more calm.

Onions are great for your immune system; they are a natural antihistamine. Recently, I recommended that a patient with bronchitis put sliced raw onions in her socks when she went to sleep… she woke up so much better. (I know I’ve told you this before, but it really is awesome!) Onion is a superhero in the food world!

Tapioca is a starch that comes from the cassava plant. It’s not really a flour in the traditional sense; it’s grain and gluten free. It’s good for your circulation and your digestion. Oftentimes I will make recipes with tapioca flour — it seems to crisp things up well and it works as a great thickener too.

paleo vegetable kugel

Paleo Vegetable Kugel
Recipe type: Passover, paleo, vegetables, casserole, side dish
Cuisine: recipe adapted from: What Jew Wanna Eat
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 9
Here's a great healthy side dish that's traditionally served for Passover, but it's good enough for any time of the year!
  • 2 large leeks, slices and soaked in bowl of cold water to remove any dirt
  • 1 large baking potato, peeled, sliced very thinly, and then cut into tiny pieces
  • 3 small sweet potatoes, peeled, sliced very thinly, and then cut into tiny pieces
  • 2 unpeeled medium zucchini, finely diced
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 2 large garlic cloves, minced
  • ¾ cup tapioca flour (here's a good one)
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • sea salt and black pepper to taste
  • 2-/2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil, divided, plus and extra 2-tsp to grease the pan
  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
  2. Heat 1 Tbs oil in a large skillet.
  3. Add the leeks and some salt and sauté until they start to brown, about 15 minutes.
  4. Put all of the chopped vegetables into a large bowl. Add the sautéed leeks and the tapioca flour. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Add the eggs and stir until combined well.
  6. Grease a 9x13 baking dish with 2 tsp of oil.
  7. Spread the vegetable mixture into the dish.
  8. Bake until the top starts to brown a bit, about 45 minutes.
  9. Remove from the oven and cool on a rack for at least 15 minutes.
  10. Cut into pieces.
  11. NOTE: When I cut this when it was too warm, it was hard to keep some of the pieces in neat squares, so if you can, let it cool completely (even in the fridge) before you cut it. I will say, though, that it was just as delicious when I cut it hot even if it didn't look quite as pretty!

paleo vegetable kugel

The World’s Best Nut Butter Recipe

This truly is the world’s best nut butter recipe!

world's best nut butter recipe

I don’t think I’ve ever called any of my recipes “the world’s best”. I mean, I love a lot of my recipes, but I try not to be cocky about any of them. And it’s pretty easy not to be cocky when I have so many kitchen fails… and I do. Way too often. You just don’t see them…

But this recipe calls for some kind of special treatment when I talk about it. When I started blogging as a means of sharing my recipes with my friends and family years ago, this was one of the recipes I first posted. Everyone wants this recipe. This nut butter used to go with my daughter to camp and now it goes to college with her. It gets re-made over and over again by my friends who don’t cook. It’s a staple in my fridge at home. It truly is the world’s best nut butter recipe.

Sometimes when I make it I change up the variety of nuts, and it always comes out good. The only nuts I stay away from are peanuts. But I’ve made this with some hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts… and it has always been incredible.

Did I talk you into it?

All you need is a food processor. Really, you must try it.

I’m on a big customized-recipe-creation kick right now (okay… always…), so let me customize a recipe for you that will work for whatever’s going on in your body now… I’m such a geek that I really do get excited about doing this. I’ve got a great recipe with your name on it…  So CLICK HERE  to be taken directly  into my calendar to sign up for your free phone consultation.

And, if you want to try another great nut-based vegan spread, try my recipe for vegan cream cheese!

world's best nut butter recipe

Here’s why this homemade nut butter is so good for you:

In Asian medicine, nuts are known to be good for your brain, heart, skin and reproductive system. Almonds are particularly nutritious. They are a good source of protein and they give you energy. And, they are gluten-free. Almonds will help relieve a cough and asthma and are also good for constipation.

Cashews are really a multi-tasking nut. I use them all the time so I say it all the time: Cashews have a lower fat content than most other nuts. Most of the fat in cashews is unsaturated and is made up of oleic acid; this is the same acid that is found in olive oil, making these nuts a heart-healty choice. I know some of you have a problem finding raw nuts sometimes — I’m happy to try to help you locate them if you need shopping suggestions, so just leave a comment and I will try to help. I buy then whenever and wherever I see them. I’m also lucky enough to live near a Whole Foods, so I sometimes buy them from the bulk bins here.

Pecans are good for energy and they can also help you get rid of a cough. They are also good to help combat constipation, lower back pain, low libido, and erectile dysfunction.

Chia seeds are ancient seeds that got their name from the Mayan word for “strength”. These tiny seeds have the unique ability to turn liquid into a gel-like substance when making puddings and they are great added to smoothies and shakes. They are really good for you because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber.

Hemp seeds are a superfood. They are high in protein, easily digestible, and contain a full complement of amino acids. They contain disease-fighting phytonutrients that are good for your blood, immune system, tissues and skin. Hemp contains a specific fatty acid that acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory. It also helps balance hormones, making it a great choice to fight the symptoms of PMS. This super seed is also good for your liver and your brain.

Flax seeds can relieve constipation and lower cholesterol.

In Asian medicine, we use coconut to strengthen the body, reduce swelling, and stop bleeding. Coconut kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It’s good for all types of infections and viruses in the body, including the flu, bronchitis, tapeworms, urinary tract infections, and herpes. Coconut oil is my go-to for so many things and it works great in this nut butter.

world's best nut butter

If you make this World’s Best Nut Butter recipe, please be sure to let me know in the comments below. I love hearing how you like a recipe, and I love to answer your questions! If you make it, be sure to take a photo and tag me and post it on Instagram.

The World's Best Nut Butter Recipe
Recipe type: condiment, spread, nut butter
Cuisine: American
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: about 1 pint
This truly is amazing nut butter. Let your food processor do most of the work, use whatever mix of nuts and seeds makes you happy, and enjoy!
  1. Preheat your oven to 300°F.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Combine all of the nuts and seeds in a large bowl.
  4. Stir in maple syrup.
  5. Spread the mixture onto the baking sheet in a single layer.
  6. Place the tray in the oven and roast the nuts for 12 minutes, making sure they don't burn.
  7. Remove from oven and let cool for about 10 minutes.
  8. Scrape the nut mixture into the food processor and process until the mixture in finely ground and starts to stick together a bit. This may take a little time. Be patient. You will probably need to scrape down the sides of the processor bowl a few times.
  9. Once it starts to stick together a little bit, add the coconut oil and the salt and turn the processor back on. Let it process until you get the consistence of a thick nut butter. Again, be patient -- it will happen!
  10. Store in a glass jar in the fridge. Enjoy!


world's best nut butter recipe

Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese (Grain-Free Bagel & A Schmear…)

If you haven’t found a dairy-free spread you like yet, make this vegan cashew cream cheese!

Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese

A bagel and a schmear… really, is there a more delicious breakfast? (Do I sound too New York-ish or what…)

It’s been many years since bagels have had a place in my breakfast rotation. I feel so much better without grains in my diet, that bagels went by the wayside. But I’m trying to fix this. Really I had no choice but to fix it because I really love this recipe.

I made this cream cheese out of cashews and it was so good that I was craving a bagel. And lox. So, what I’m telling you is twofold: One — make this vegan cashew cream cheese. Two make or buy some grain-free bagels and stock up on some lox. You may be eating this several times a week. Maybe even several times a day.

And when I ran out of lox, I ate it with just the tomato and cream cheese…

bagel with tomato (better edit)-1452

When I have time I bake these Grain-Free Bagels, and now, some supermarket even sell grain-free bagels, so I’m set. The ones I make are kind of cake-like but taste good. The ones I buy are crunchier but they have a little bit of cheese in the dough, so I’m torn…

Let’s get back to this cream cheese. It’s really really good. Even Steve, who’s does eat dairy sometimes, thinks it’s great and loves it on the bagels. And, when you add lox and tomato… OMG, we are happy campers.

I ate the sandwich you see in these pictures for lunch when I was by myself. Then there were days that I had some version of the bagel and a schmear for breakfast AND lunch. It started to get a bit out of control. So, now, I try to pace myself. Sunday brunch is enough. OK, maybe once during the week too if no one is looking…

Vegan Cashew Cream CheeseVegan Cashew Cream Cheese

Here’s some reasons to make this cream cheese:

Cashews are really a multi-tasking nut. I use them all the time so I say it all the time: Cashews have a lower fat content than most other nuts. Most of the fat in cashews is unsaturated and is made up of oleic acid; this is the same acid that is found in olive oil, making these nuts a heart-healty choice. For this cream cheese I used raw cashews. I know some of you have a problem finding raw nuts sometimes — I’m happy to try to help you locate them if you need shopping suggestions, so just leave a comment and I will try to help. I buy them whenever and wherever I see them. I’m also lucky enough to live near a Whole Foods, so I sometimes buy them from the bulk bins here.

Nutritional yeast gives things a cheese-y taste without using any dairy and it adds amino acids and Vitamin B, so it’s perfect here.

Lemons are good for your digestion, they help detoxify your body, they balance your pH, and they act as an antibacterial. They also can soothe a sore throat, lessen a cough, and hydrate the body.

Scallions, if you know me, are one of my favorites. In Chinese medicine, the root of the scallion is a healing herb(Cong Bai). I always keep scallions on hand in my refrigerator so that I can whip up a batch of cold and flu fighting tea (scallion roots and ginger) the second anyone feels that scratchy throat coming on. It helps the body sweat out toxins. Scallions are antiviral and antibacterial; they are good for the common cold and general nasal congestion — just don’t eat too many if you have a fever. And, they make this cream cheese taste more like traditional cream cheese.

Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese (Grain-Free Bagel & A Schmear...)
Recipe type: condiment, spread
Cuisine: recipe adapted from:connoisseurusveg
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: about ¾ cup
This cream cheese is dairy-free and vegan. It tastes great spread on a bagel with lox and tomato!
  1. Combine all ingredients, except scallions, in blender or food processor. (You will have to stop the machine and scrape down the sides several times, but be patient and it will come together!)
  2. When the cream cheese is smooth, scrape it into a bowl and stir in the scallions.
  3. Spread it on a grain-free toasted bagel with lox and tomatoes!
  4. Enjoy!


bagel, lox, and cream cheese collage