Roasted Turmeric Cod

Cod is good for your heart and low in calories!

This recipe is idiot-proof. This is perfect for me because, even though I’m a chef, I love to make easy recipes. I learned many moons ago that I am incapable of having a glass of wine while I’m cooking because, well, everything just goes wrong — I forget ingredients, I burn things, you name in and it will go wrong if I have wine while I’m cooking. But, this roasted turmeric cod recipe is easy enough that I can have my wine and cook fish too!

I’m making myself sound like a lush, but in truth I’m quite a lightweight. But you know how it is, when you really have a taste for something…

So, last week when I wanted fish AND I wanted wine, this was the answer. And, not only is it simple, but it’s deliciously awesome. And …