
5 Reasons You Should Be Using Oregano Oil To Stay Healthy

Oregano oil is a superhero in the wellness world. Here are 5 reasons you should be using oregano oil to stay healthy.
5 reasons you should be using oregano oil to stay healthy

Oregano Oil Is A Superhero In The Wellness World

Essential oils have so many benefits. And there are so may oils available — it’s hard to know which ones you need, which ones you should buy, and which ones to use for what conditions. Some oils are for internal use, some are only for external use… so how do you sort out all of the information available?

I do a lot of research. I won’t ever recommend anything until I have tested and retested and tested again. I test on myself and on willing participants. It’s actually so much fun for me. Especially when the results are phenomenal. And the health benefits of oregano oil are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

I’m going to be bold enough to say that if you wanted to only buy and use one single essential oil, it should be oregano oil.

I also need to tell you up front that oregano oil is extremely powerful. Extremely.

But each of these 5 reasons you should use oregano to stay healthy are well worth the care involved.

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Oregano oil can be taken internally (just make sure  you follow the instructions below) and can be used topically — but you MUST dilute the oil in a carrier oil first. Please don’t put the undiluted oil on your skin or you can burn yourself.

You have to be very careful with oregano oil. Because you can burn yourself if you don’t use it properly. I’m going to say it again. You can burn yourself if you don’t use it properly or if you get over zealous and use too much of it.

I don’t want to scare you away. In fact, I want to do just the opposite. The health benefits of oreganol oil are so incredible, that I want you to use it in all the ways I’m going to tell you about. I just want you to be safe. It’s not hard to use at all, but you need to follow directions. Once you try it, you’ll never go without a bottle in your kitchen.

I keep a bottle of oregano essential oil in my kitchen cabinet next to all of my superfoods. To me, it’s the superfood of essential oils. I even sent my daughter a bottle to use in college. There really is no better way to stay healthy… and yes, I realize I have a lot of  “no better ways to stay healthy” ingredients… but when I find a good one… hmmm…. no — a GREAT one — I want you to use it.

Okay, now you’re ready.

5 Reasons You Should Be Using Oregano Oil To Stay Healthy

1.  To Fight A Common Cold

Fighting the common cold isn’t easy. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, but oregano oil is at the top of the list. At the first sign of a cold, I fill up a quart-size mason jar with room temperature water. Then, with an eye dropper, I put ONE drop of oregano essential oil into the jar. I squeeze half of a lemon into it and I stir. Then I sip. Then I stir again. And repeat continuously. By the time the jar is about half empty, the need to stir is gone because the oil isn’t floating on top of the water anymore, so I just sip away until the jar is empty.

ONE drop. And really, from an eye dropper. If you try to get one drop out of most of these essential oils bottles, you end up with a drop and a half or two drops. That’s no good here. When you put your drop of oregano oil into the water, it tends to float on top so you need to stir it up well. If you don’t, you will burn your lips — believe me… I’ve been there, done that. Learn from my mistake.

I drink a quart of water with one drop of oregano oil for three consecutive mornings when I have a cold. That one little drop works it’s magic and kills off the viral germs. You will be on the mend very quickly.

And, even better: if you catch your cold at the very beginning, before it starts to come out, you can keep it from coming out at all.

Even if there were no more reasons to use oregano oil to stay healthy, this one reason is a good enough reason for you to keep a bottle in your kitchen cabinet.

2.  To Lessen Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Stuffy noses, scratchy throats, sinus pressure… all of these seasonal allergy symptoms can use a little drop of oregano oil. It’s worth repeating the instructions above here:

Fill up a quart-size mason jar with room temperature water. Then, with an eye dropper, put ONE drop of oregano essential oil into the jar. Stir really well. Then  sip. Then  stir again. And repeat continuously. By the time the jar is about half empty, the need to stir is gone because the oil isn’t floating on top of the water any more, so  just sip away until the jar is empty.

ONE drop. And really, from an eye dropper. If you try to get one drop out of most of these essential oils bottles, you end up with a drop and a half or two drops. That’s no good here. When you put your drop of oregano oil into the water, it tends to float on top so you need to stir it up well. If you don’t, you will burn your lips — believe me… I’ve been there, done that. Learn from my mistake.

You will be amazed at how your seasonal allergy symptoms will improve.

3.  To Fight Urinary Tract Infections

Again, same instructions:

Fill up a quart-size mason jar with room temperature water. Then, with an eye dropper, put ONE drop of oregano essential oil into the jar. Stir really well. Then  sip. Then  stir again. And repeat continuously. By the time the jar is about half empty, the need to stir is gone because the oil isn’t floating on top of the water any more, so  just sip away until the jar is empty.

ONE drop. And really, from an eye dropper. If you try to get one drop out of most of these essential oils bottles, you end up with a drop and a half or two drops. That’s no good here. When you put your drop of oregano oil into the water, it tends to float on top so you need to stir it up well. If you don’t, you will burn your lips — believe me… I’ve been there, done that. Learn from my mistake.

I know I am being repetitive here. And, no, I really do know how intelligent you all are… I just always lean to the side of caution… 

If you eat the right foods and herbs for your unique body and circumstances, you can heal yourself. All you need is the correct information. And I’m here to give it to you. So, read on and learn more ways you can easily start to heal yourself with oregano oil. And, if you want to learn more about boosting your immune system, I’d love to help you create a healthy lifestyle plan specifically for your unique needs, so sign up for a free phone consultation and we can chat about it.

5 reasons you should Be Using To Stay Healthy

4.  It’s A Great Insect Repellant

Put a few drops on outdoor furniture and cushions.  You can also dilute the oil in some coconut oil and rub it on your skin. The bugs hate it! I recommend starting with 1 drop per tablespoon of coconut oil and see how that goes. Oregano is very strong, so less is more…

5.  It Helps With Candida And Heartburn

The components naturally found in oregano assist with some digestive issues. This oil actually works a bit like a probiotic in that it can help balance the good and bad bacterial in your digestive system. It also reduces yeast, making it a great way to fight Candida. Oregano also contains thymol, which has been shown to help with acid reflux and heartburn.

And, yup, same instructions. Again…

Fill up a quart-size mason jar with room temperature water. Then, with an eye dropper, put ONE drop of oregano essential oil into the jar. Stir really well. Then  sip. Then  stir again. And repeat continuously. By the time the jar is about half empty, the need to stir is gone because the oil isn’t floating on top of the water any more, so  just sip away until the jar is empty.

ONE drop. And really, from an eye dropper. If you try to get one drop out of most of these essential oils bottles, you end up with a drop and a half or two drops. That’s no good here. When you put your drop of oregano oil into the water, it tends to float on top so you need to stir it up well. If you don’t, you will burn your lips — believe me… I’ve been there, done that. Learn from my mistake.

If you have any questions about the info in this post, or really, anything else… just ask me in the comments below. I love to hear from you!

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14 replies
    • Stacey Isaacs
      Stacey Isaacs says:

      Hi Andre, no, I don’t recommend the ones that are cut with other oils. It needs to be a pure essential oil. You can try DoTerra brand or Young Living or any other pure essential oregano oil.

  1. Diane
    Diane says:

    I have a severe allergic reaction to something and have tried to scratch my skin from my body it is so hot and itchy.Could oregano oil help me?

    • Stacey Isaacs
      Stacey Isaacs says:

      Diane, I’m sorry you are experiencing this but as to oregano… NO don’t use it for this! Oregano is hot in temperature and it sounds like your rash is too… so, in short, no oregano is not for you.

  2. Eva
    Eva says:

    Hi Stacy,
    thank you for posting this article, it is really helpful.
    Just wondering for intestinal helo, how long should we do the jar intake (I mean only 1 day or more day)

  3. Khaleada
    Khaleada says:

    Hi Stacey,

    Thank you for this article, really appreciate it! I wanted to know do we drink the whole quantity in one go? It feels like quite a large amount! (Terrible at drinking water btw!) Also is it one quart mason jar per day? I am specificly taking it in the hope of relief from hayfever allergies.

    Your reply is much appreciated.


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